Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do you have packages for all 50 States?

Yes, we support lending in all 50 states.

  • Do you integrate with other Loan Origination Systems LOS?

Yes, we have integrations with various LOS technologies. We would be happy to discuss what connection looks like or see if we can simplify your lending systems with LendingBlocks.

  • What is customer support like?

Support is 1-to-1 over here. No ticket systems or voicemails. Give us a quick call, shoot us an email, or chat with us live. We’ll get you taken care of!


  • Can I apply for a loan with Docu Prep?

Docu Prep is a software company that provides document preparation and technology for lenders across the company. We work directly with Lenders and don’t do any lending.

  • What types of safety and security certifications does Docu Prep have?

We are SOC 2 certified along with numerous other audits to ensure we keep your information safe and can be one of your most secure technology partners.

  • Do you run compliance on all your loans? What compliance test do you run?

We run Loan Analysis on every package that comes across our desk. Test for Section 32, Section 35, QM and State High Cost, alongside dozens of other tests and tools, ensures nothing is missing to keep you in compliance. Double and triple checked, just for good measure.